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discus fish still not eating

23 15:40:05

Hi, thanks for the last answer, I asked a question erlier in the week and you suggested that I feed feed discus fish peas.
I tried it but he still isnt eating. In fact, he swam away from them!!
His belly is not lobsided and there are not any red bits hanging from him. He/she just gets thinner and thinner every day.
The discus Cyan is so thin that you can't even tell where his top fin meats his body...
We are getting really worried, do you have any more suggestions??

Hi agian Aj,
It could be due to constipation or some disease.  You will just need to treat him for everything if you are unsure what is wrong with him.  Or bring him to a fish expert to be examines closer in person.  For constipation, it usually happens because the owner feeds the same foods over and over and doesnt change the diet.  Especially with pellet foods.  Bathe him in Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate).  The bath will cause the fish to absorb in water to make the feces more soft for excretion.  People also use this salt to clear the GI tract before giving medications for internal parasites.
For dieases, you will need to try Maracyn and Maracyn 2.  They both treat gram positive and gram negative respectively.  And since we dont know which one he has, both medications should be used.