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Female Betta

23 15:43:02


So I've got a 10 gallon tank and it has one female betta in it. It's heated (26 degrees Celsius), filtered and has lots of fake plants and caves.

My question is, is she okay alone? I've kept a male in the same setup before but I am unsure about the social needs of a female. I do not want to keep a group of female bettas, I was thinking maybe a (few?) kuhli loach(es) or something if she does need company. I'd like for everything to be relatively low maintenance.


Hi Sam

Female Bettas can often be more aggressive than males. She is fine alone and probably prefers it that way, but you can successfully keep tankmates with her. You definitely do not want to keep two Bettas together. Mollies, Dwarf Gouramis and Cory Cats are the best choices.

Hope this helps, good luck!
