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fish schools and fish food

23 16:56:52

Hi Karen, it's me again! I was wondering if i should keep my kissing gouramis and red honey gourami in schools too? Or would that be too crowded in my 30 gallon? Also, would gold barbs, rasboras, kissing gouramis, cory catfish and red honey gouramis all eat the same type of food? Would feeding all of them flakes and tubifex worms be alright? Thanks. Cheyenne

Dear Cheyenne,
The Kissing Gourami and Red Honey Gourami don't have to be in schools and tend to do best alone or perhaps in pairs (male and female) either way, I think you should be alright with just the 2 kissing gouramis and the 1 Red Honey Gourami. Just remember about the kissing gouramis' potential to grow large and sometimes they may be a little aggressive.

Besides that I think you will have a beautiful aquarium with the barbs, rasboras, gouramis and the cory catfish to top it all off. Yes all these fish will tend to eat the same types of food. A good staple high quality flake food supplemented frequently with frozen worms, brine shrimp, daphnia, as well as freeze dried foods of all kinds. The best thing to remember is to try to vary your fishes diet as much as possible. Try not to feed the same food everyday (besides the staple of flakes) Also the Cory catfish will enjoy and do best on special sinking shrimp pellets or bottom feeder wafers/tablets designed specificially for them. It may be best to drop in the cories food right when you turn the lights out, this way it prevents the other fish from getting to it all before the cories and since Cory Catfish are both diurnal and nocturnal, they will easily find the food in the dark tank.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and feel free to write with anymore questions or concerns!