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black fin shark

23 15:58:45

my tank has been set up for 3 months.i have a 10 gallon tank.i have a black fin shark.i have 10 fish in my filter is aqua-tech 5-15 level for ph,is 7.0.I chang the water evey 2 weeks. 25% of water is chang evey 2 weeks.

Hi Donald;

I'm not sure what your question is, but I can tell you that blackfin sharks are not suitable for a ten gallon tank. It's far too small, even when they are babies. They should not be in any tank under 55 gallons as juveniles and as adults they need 100 gallons because of their energy level, aggressive and hyperactive nature. They also need salt in their water, and more salt as they reach their adult size of over a foot long. Without salt they get sick. He will begin to eat your other fish as he grows large enough to get them halfway in his mouth too. Here is a web page about them so you know more;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins