Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > High Amonia..

High Amonia..

23 16:19:42

hi i started a 55 gallon tank a while ago i didnt really let it cycle that long before i got fish an i jumped right in an got like 5 or 6 in like 5 days.. my friends told me that it was too soon to get fish an i think that was the problem.. but i change the water soo much more than 50% water change an the next day the water is the same its like the darkest green.. my fish arent dieing none never have but the amonia is just really high... any answers to help to get it lower or maybe start over? i dont really want to do that but if i  have to........

Hi There,

Your tank is still in the cycling process which is causing the high ammonia levels. The only way to bring the ammonia level down is to do 50% daily water changes until the ammonia level is reading 0.
The green water is a sign that your tank is still stabilising. This will not harm your fish although the ammonia will.

Hope this helps,
Chloe :)