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Changing Tanks

23 16:22:00

Hi!  I have had a 30 gallon tank for several years and just recently purchased a 55 gallon.  My fish are just too crowded in a 30 gallon and they need the room.  
I've been trying to decide the best way to change tanks.  I need to put the new tank in the same spot I have the old tank, so it is going to take some juggling.  I was just wondering if you can offer some suggestions for the best way to do this without upsetting my fish too much.  I'm also wondering if the new 55 gallon needs to cycle before I can put fish in it?
One final question....The new tank was sititng in someone's basement for several months and is dirty.  Suggestions on how to clean it?  
Thank you for your help!

Hi Debra:  First how to clean the new tank.  What I do when I get a used tank is to take all of the decorations, gravel, filter, etc out and soak them in a really strong salt solution ... 3 tbs per gallon of water... for 24-48 hours... then I rinse them really well with tap water.  The tank itself I scrub with a white scrub pad and I use a razor blade to get off the really dried on stuff... then hose the tank out (I do this outside of course)... I am blessed with space so I fill the tank up and make sure its not going to leak and I add the same salt solution to it and let it sit for the same time as the decorations, etc. Rinse when done.  

Use several buckets or garbage cans with plastic bags in them and begin to transfer your water... you want to save your water in your old tank... put the fish in one of the buckets... or two if needed.  Save your old gravel and reuse it if possible.  when the tank is empty... replace it with the old tank and set it all up.... when it is set up ... begin to add the water... gravel, ornaments, and equipment... Because you are setting up a bigger tank... find a container that will hold about 15-20 gallons of water and set it aside several days prior to your need for it... it will loose the chlorine with time..... when the new tank is full and everything is running... check the chemicals and add your fish... this is the simplest way that I would do this.... hope this helps...dave