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Hi, i have just introdused...

25 9:20:29

Hi, i have just introdused a Red Juel cychlid to my new 37 gallond aquerium yesterday, everything seems fine exept it is always hiding and shows no intrest to eat at all, is this normal because it is scared and was in the transporatation bag for about 2 hours or is something else/?....Please help THANKS!!!!

It is normal for a fish not to eat for the first few days.This is because it is being introduced to a new environment.He should be better in a couple of days.Try feeding your fish cyclid pellets as well as flake food.2 hours in a bag is a little much.There usually isn't two hours of air in bag.He may just be getting his breath back.You also wanted to let your water in take sit for two days to age before putting fish it in.I hope this answers your question.

Thanks for asking