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Please help me balance my tank

23 15:41:31

Hey Jaymie, I am sad to admit that although I am a qualified aquatics specialist, I am having severe problems with the levels in my water. My ten gallon tank was perfectly balanced for over a month when last week I noticed my water becoming foggy. I promptly did a water test and found that my ammonia levels were slightly raised and my alkalinity was also very high while my nitrates and nitrites are perfectly fine. I did a twenty percent water change with pre balanced and conditioned water from my store and treated my system with Prime. I have currently lost my treasured clown loach and am in fear for losing my other fish, If you know of any other method I could try, or even a potential reason why my levels would be like this let me know. My tank is a ten gallon and all I currently have left are, 1 male betta, 1 albino corydoras catfish, and 3 glo fish, basically just zebra danios. Like I said any information is greatly appreciated


I believe the ammonia levels have raised due to over crowding. The male Betta alone needs at least 2.5 gallons. Then you put in 4 more on top of that. Sorry to hear that your Clown Loach died. I would continue to do 25%  weekly water changes since that is the best way to fix the problem. Also, i would check into getting a different filter. Maybe one that is a bit bigger than the one you have now. The fogginess could also be because either your filter isn't working anymore, or its just to small to get all the bad stuff out.

If after you have changed the filter and things are the same let me know and I will try to find a different way to help you out.

Good Luck