Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My fish are showing symptoms of chilodonella....please help!!

My fish are showing symptoms of chilodonella....please help!!

23 15:41:31

The only treatment options I have been able to find, salt and copper, are potentially fatal for my apple snail. My tank also contains tetras, black moors, barbs, a corydora, a bala shark and a pleco. What can I treat my tank with, without harming any of my fish?

Hi Bethany,
This is an external parasite and can be treated just like ich.  You can use the heat and salt treatment as a first intervention and if it doesnt work you can use meds.  You want to use medications as a last resort because it interferes with the biological filtration (the beneficial bacteria that breaks down ammonia and nitrite into nitrate).  For the heat and salt treatment, add 1-2tbsp of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of aquarium water, dissolve the salt in water before adding.  Then raise temperature to 86-90F.  Replace any salt removed from water changes, such as, adding 1-2tbps after removing 5 gallons for water change.  Continue this treatment for 1-2weeks and you remove the salt by gradual partial water changes every 2-3 days.  Medications such as Quick-Cure works very well also, it contains formalin and machalite green.  It can be found at walmart for cheap and has very good reviews.  I use it myself when I encounter an external parasite infection.  Agian use the medication as a last resort.  For the snail, temporarily move him to another tank or container until the treatment is over.

Also I would like to point out.  You have both cold-water fish (goldfish) and tropical fish (teras and the rest) together in 1 tank.  Goldfish prefer temperatures 62-72 whereas tropical fish prefer temperatures 73-80.  Its easier to keep only cold water or tropical only.  Also, the tetras, barbs, corydora, and bala shark are all schooling fish and need 6+ or more of its kind to feel happy and not stressed out.  They could be stressed out because of the inacurate temperatures due to the 2 types of fish, and because the schooling fish dont have enough of its kind.  Stress makes the fish more susceptible to ich and other parasitic infections.  It lowers their immune system.  The bala shark also get really big, about a foot long.  The pleco, I'm assumming is a common pleco, get 2 feet long.  You didnt mention how big your tank is, but if its small, you might want to look into upgrading your tank when they get bigger.  
Let me know if I am confusing you or if you need me to clarify something.  Hope the best for your fish.