Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Well my female platy died :(

Well my female platy died :(

23 16:16:42

QUESTION: Thanks for the help David. I am treating the tank with primafix, and melafix. I am also treating my beta(diff. tank), because I noticed the really long fins to be more blunt at the ends than before and slighty brownish at the ends instead of the usual beautiful med. blue. I'm thinking fin/tail rot? I feel horible about my female platy, the male seems sad,he always used to be near her, even helping her get to the top to eat when we first noticed she was sick. Should we get another female now since we're treating the tank already? I am now always checking the fish, now knowing how quickly one can be taken. I know they're "only" fish but you find yourself attached quite quickly. We also have a large crawfish in a ten gal, by himself. Thanks again, I'll keep an eye out for your answer :)

ANSWER: Hi Trisa:  I'm sorry to hear about your platy death... did you send me a pervious question about this??? because I can not seem to find one.  What did your platy die of?  What where her symptoms?  What are you treating the tank with?  dave

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes. The title of my previous question was "Help please". You were thinking my platy might have a type of fungus. We had thought that also after doing a little research. I was checking with you to make sure that my fiance, whom was on the way to the pet store , bought the right meds. She died about 4 or five days after we noticed her symptoms. She had a dense white spot on the top of her tail, that became red near and around it. She was hanging out towards the bottom of the tank and started swiming like her back half wasn't working right. You helped us feel better, we now know we did what we could and reacted and quickly as we could. Thanks again ;)

Hi:  If the other fish in the tank did not become infected then I would still wait about a week to let the tank recover... before adding in another fish.  I would also consider adding three females instead of just one... platy's like to be in groups and it will relieve the stress of all the new fish to "not be the only new one".  Fish are creatures and its good that you care for yours.  I meet people all the time who think fish are just... fish... so what... like anything you invest in the return should be worth the work and for me... the fish have always enriched my life... so I love them all the more.