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Salt in Goldfish tank...

23 15:37:19

We have a 5 gallon tank.  After having a goldfish with a fungus, the pet store suggested we start adding a small amount (1 tblsp) of aquarium salt to our tank for general fish health and to boost the immune system.

I added the appropriate amount right away.  However, today, my 6 year old son added atleast 1/2 a cup more without my knowing.  I'm not sure exactly how long the salt had been in the water.  I immediately changed about 75% of the water in the tank.  Is that enough to change?  or should I completely start over in the tank to be safe?

Is there anything else I should do for the fish to help it?  How quickly would he dehydrate?

Thank you so much.



    First off a 5 gallon tank is not large enough for your goldfish. One goldfish needs to be in nothing less that a 20 gallon tank. Goldfish are very large waste producers and also need a lot of oxygen in their their water. While some people think that adding water to their goldfish's tank is something they need it is not true. I would do another large water change at least 24 hours after the first one and then do it again 24 hours later. It is very important that we keep out pets safe from harm. Other than the water changes I do not think there is really anything else you can do. I hope your fish comes out ok. Just watch out for salt burns. If the fish starts showing signs of stress let me know.