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dwarf puffer

23 15:37:18

hello nick, will 3-4 dwarf pufferfish thrive in a 10 gallon with a marineland biowheel 200 filter? and what plants would you recommend?
thank you

Hi Nick,

The filter is small, but may work.

There is only one species of Dwarf Pufferfish which is freshwater and that species is the Malabar Pufferfish, also known as the Indian Dwarf Pufferfish.

The other species of Dwarf Pufferfish are indeed brackish fish and we keep ours in marine water.

I realize I answered your original question with the belief that you were referring to a normal, Dwarf Pufferfish called the Spotted Dwarf Pufferfish, which is sold worldwide by that name.  

If you intend to house your pufferfish in a 10 gallon aquarium, the best advice I can give you is to make sure the water quality stays good.  Using a biowheel is a good way to ensure that, because the good bacteria housed in the biowheel, establish and breakdown waste very well.  So, my answer to your question is yes, the 200 is a good filter for you, and as answered originally, it should suffice.

I am disappointed in the negativity of your original rating feedback, and wanted to clarify for you it is not a case whereas this expert has no knowledge about your fish.  It's a case whereas there are at least 4 more commonly sold Dwarf Pufferfish species to be confused by.  The majority of these are indeed brackish water fish.  

The only real freshwater puffer is the Malabar.  If your puffers are not Malabars, then they are indeed not freshwater pufferfish.

Good luck and happy fish-keeping.
