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Betta Fish Wont Eat

23 16:05:20

hi, I recently bought a betta and I'm finding that he's not eating very much. I feed him once daily and I've tried flakes and pellets. The pellets he seems to have trouble swallowing as he bobs his head for a while after gulping one, and then he doesn't seem to be interested in the other pellets. The flakes he seems to be able to eat better but again he doesn't eat very much. I only put in a small pinch. Is there something possibly wrong with him and if so what can I do to treat it? How much do bettas usually eat in one meal? Also, separate topic, but what would the betta get along with for tankmates? Thanks.

Hi Kael,
Bettas have tiny stomachs and really do best with tiny meals about two or three times a day. I probably would just skip on pellets. They can cause digestive problems and are difficult for bettas to chew. Flakes are a better alternative as a staple. And I'd recommend supplementing his diet with frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and other small frozen live foods which makes for a better diet since variety is important.

As far as tankmates go. Depending on the size of your tank, tankmates for your betta can be smaller tetras like neons, glowlights, lemon tetras, bloodfins, or white cloud mountain minnows, harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, or corydoras catfish. Small peaceful fish are the key. Avoid male guppies, where their flowing fins can tempt a male betta. Gouramis are generally not good mixers either, because they are related to bettas and they tend to generally fight.

This is a great website on betta care-

I really hope this helps!!!