Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > how many fish?

how many fish?

23 17:02:10


I have a 75 Gallon tank that has been set up for about 1 year. I have 2 Blood Parrots (4 inches and 3 inches)
      -4 Congo Tetras
      -2 Emperor Tetras
      -1 Molly
      -1 pleco (about 5 inches long)

The pH is always a little bit low- at about 6.8.

My question-- I want more fish, (possibly some blue gouramis, or maybe about 6 tiger barbs) but I'm not sure how many would be too much. What do you think?


Hi Katie;

Your tank could have a few more guys in it. A couple of larger fish that get no more than 4 to 6 inches would be okay, or maybe 6 to 8 smaller types that stay under 3 inches.  

Blue gouramis would be nice for some color. Try to get a couple of females to keep territorialism to a minimum. Tiger barbs can get a bit nasty though. As long as you keep five or more they are usually okay, but be aware of their personality. They are very lively and add nice color.

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins