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goldfish compatibilty

25 9:00:32

Hi Karen, I'm interested in raising some goldfish. I'm a bit confused about their compatibity.I am leaning toward having some black moors and some fantails.Would these be ok together because i've read that black moor don't see very well.But also read that they are a very hardy goldfish,good for starting a tank.
thanks Randy

Dear Randy,
Black moors and Fantails should do excellent together!
Make sure your aquarium is large enough. At least a 29gal is best with a good working power filter. Remember when you add your goldfish it's very important to have a test kit for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate to moniter these levels for the next several weeks as your aquarium cycles or establishes the beneficial bacteria that are so vital.  You could get ammonia or nitrite spikes and this is very dangerous for any fish. With Daily testing, should your ammonia or nitrite levels go above safe bounds, immediately do a 50% water change making sure that the replacement water is equal in temperature to their tank and it is dechlorinated before use. Doing these water changes are very important to keep stress levels on your goldfish to the very minimum.

It also helps to feed very lightly during this cycling time. Getting very small goldfish is best too because large goldfish of course will produce that much more ammonia in a new tank. Many hardy live plants are also helpful in getting the aquarium established and are well appreciated by the goldfish as well!

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and Happy Goldfishkeeping!