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Angelfish with Big Lips

23 16:23:03

I have an angelfish with swollen lips and Karen did a great job of answering my question.  She said euthanasia might be in order, as did another website she referred me to.

I think that might be best for my poor angelfish.  Much as I hate to lose him, I more don't want him to suffer.

How do you go about euthanizing a fish?

Thank you.

Hello Sherrie:  I am sorry to hear that your angelfish is terminal.  There is a product called Finquel which is the best method to euthanizing a fish.  You basically fill a container with tank water, add the finquil and then place your fish in the solution.  You fish should not suffer or fight but just simply go to sleep and then pass on to his greater rewards.  The process should be extremely fast but I have always left my fish in there for about 8 hours just to make sure.  Again I am sorry you have to go through this but I hope this advice helps.  dave