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Compatibility of guppies

23 15:18:36

Can I put guppies in my 10 gallon tank which already contain one redcap goldfish and eight neon tetras? If yes then how many? Aquarium has enough light,aeration and has artificial plantation.

You can add guppies. Just remember goldfish really require a lot of room for their growth and waste production. Make sure you upgrade the tank size when your goldfish starts to grow. In the meantime, keep up with twice weekly water changes of 30-50% making sure to treat new water with a water conditioner at each water change to remove harmful chlorine.

The tank you have is already well stocked. I feel hesitant to suggest anymore than 4-5 guppies. If you found a new home for the redcap, it would be ok to add 6-7 guppies. Remember they do reproduce really fast though.

Keep up with those water changes!

I hope this helps and good luck!