Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What to do with all the eggs I have by a female and male betta?

What to do with all the eggs I have by a female and male betta?

25 9:06:44

I put my male and female betta together and now I have eggs.What do I do to have them hatch out?
I've removed the female and male from where the eggs are and I leaving the light on to the tank.
What else do I need to do.I sure want alot of betta babies!
            Thanks for you time.

Hi Sammie;

It may be too late for this batch but you have to leave the male fish with the nest! He cares for them and keeps them up in the nest. If any drop, he picks them up with his mouth and spits them back up into the bubbles. He does the same for the babies when they hatch out so they get air. If they hatch and fall out of the nest they will drown if he is not there to help them. Here is more about betta breeding;,%20Breeding%20basics.htm

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins