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Parrot fish cichlids

23 15:42:06

Hi Matt
All my life I've had oscars and hi-fin pangasious. I got a little sick of it now. Now I have this friend that works in a petshop and she said I should get some parrot fish-all different colours and I must say they are nice.
I have a 200l tank. how many parrots do you think I can put in there, the reason I'm asking is that they are expensive fish and I don't want to over populate them otherwise the start fighting for territory.
Ok that's all then
Thank you
Kind regards

Hi Barry,
You can probably fit about 5 parrots in a 200 liter tank.  It depends on your dimensions of the tank.  Is it a long tank or a tall tank?  Long tanks will give more room and space for territory whereas tall tanks have less room.  If it is a tall tank I would recommend 4 and long about 5.  Parrots love hiding in caves so provide hiding spots. You would need to do more frequent water changes to prevent nitrogen build up.  As long as the water nitrogen levels are low your fish will be perfectly healthy.