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archer fish

23 15:42:05

i went on vacation and left my archerfish in someone else's care. when i returned i noticed it had cloudy eye. this was last night. he does not eat and placed some guppy fry about 1.5 cm long with him after water change but not sure he can see. i have acriflavin, malachite green and other ich medication but i dont want to medicate without knowing if any of it will help. what can i do? i was gone for a week and half and dont know if they ever changed his water during that time.

Hi Slick,

One of my fish had this about a week ago and had the exact same symptoms your fish is having.  My fish did not eat, was not as active, and laid on the floor most of the time.  Fish diseases is not my specialty, but I did find out that cloudy eyes are because of gram negative bacteria and can be treated by Maracyn and Maracyn Plus or any Antibiotics.  I did not use any meds for my fish and three days later the cloudy eye of my fish started going away and then completely disappeared and he is active again and like new.  Its up to you if you want to wait to see if your fish's immune system will fight it, and then treat it if he needs helps or treat him right now.  Keep Nitrates of your tank low to keep the fish less stressed.  Do water changes to get rid of Nitrates.