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New freshwater fish tank

25 9:12:03

We just started a new freshwater fish tank.  It has been running for about 2.5 weeks now.  It is a 46 gallon tank.  Just recently the ammonia levels have gone really high.  I was expecting to see the nitrite levels start to rise next, but they are staying the same and the ammonia is remaining high.  The water is now very cloudy and has been for about 5 days now.  I asked the pet store expert who said I needed to do a 50% water change, so I did that on Monday.  They also said to add "ammo-Lock" to help the fish and to add "Cycle" to get the right bacteria growing more quickly.  They also told me to cut the feeding of the fish in half and only feed them once a day.  All I have in there right now is 2 guppies, 2 swordtail, and 1 molly.  My question for you is- is this correct advice or am I messing my tank up.  I want to cycle it correctly and get it set up right.  I am now doing 10-20% water changes every 1-2 days because I had another person tell me that is better than doing the larger water change.  Should I be adding all these other things to the tank, or am I messing up the cycle by doing that?  Let me know what you think.  Thanks.

Hi Judy,
Thanks for your letter. At my site I have posted wholistic aquarium care instructions:
My system relies on using Cycle for friendly bacteria, plus cutting back on food. Excess food pollutes the tank. If you feed correctly, you do not need chemicals like Amino Lock and you do not have to worry about pH and all that. I recommend one flake or pellet per fish per day. As the fish grow, you can increase it to one flake or pellet per square inch of fish.
Over feeding is what causes most problems. The fish contains meat products that can cause a lot of problems. Just imagine if someone came into your home and sprinkled the floor with rotting hamburgers.
After you get the feeding under control, you can go back to changing 20% of the water every 2 or 4 weeks.
Hope this helps.

P.S. Keep the Cycle in the refrigerator between use.