Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Injured Mouth Of One Of My Fancytail Goldfish

Injured Mouth Of One Of My Fancytail Goldfish

25 9:09:50

Hi Karen.  Thanks for the quick reply.  I wasn't sure which button to hit so I used the ASK FOLLOW UP QUESTION so I could leave this open and give you a progress report.  I WILL purchase this medication and do a MORE extensive water change to try and help her out during this healing time.  Other than her staying away from the group for most of the time she seems fine--good swimming motion and appetite, though that does take a bit more effort.  I GREATLY appreciate this information!  And yes, I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope she does make atleast a partial or hopefully a full recovery.  Again, thank you VERY much!  Have a great and safe weekend!

Followup To

Question -
Hi.  I'm glad I finally found a place that I could ask a question and I hope that you can possibly help me out.  About 6 weeks ago I finally got another aquarium after successfully owning and maintaining one for several years.  I personally like the fancy tail goldfish because they are friendlier and more social than other fish I've had before--coming towards you when your near the glass and not always running away.  I have 5 2-2 1/2" fish in my 33 gallon aquarium.  I initially purchased 3 and they all seemed to get along fine.  And I know I shouldn't have added two more as quick as I did, well, my husband bought fish for our outdoor pond and "surprised me" with two more.  One in the second group did his/her own thing and stayed away from everyone but he/she is now more social.  The other one seemed to be a bit more "pushy" but after a while that behavior stopped and everything seemed fine until I noticed something yesterday.  I call this one Lucy, which I'll try to figure out is she is a she or not but Lucy has been away from the other four for now a couple of days.  My husband and I noticed that her lip is missing.  I found online today that when an injury heals it turns black and yes there is a bit of black now appearing on her mouth.  I watch her when I feed them and she is eating, I hope enough.  My husband said that probably one of the other fish bit it off.  Size wise, where they were all the same size when they went into the tank she is now the smallest.  I know fins will slowly heal and grow back over time (I had an unfortunate incident years ago where one of my fancy tails had their tail "nibbled off") but (FINALLY) my question is will this sort of injury heal and her lip grow back or am I doomed to watch this poor little fish try to live only to slowly but surely die from starvation?  It's upsetting.....I do sincerely hope you have an insight that you can offer me.  Thank you very much for your time.

Answer -
Dear Angela,
I understand your worry and grief. Although unfortunately I've never dealt with this type of injury I can say that many fish will heal and grow back seemingly impossible injuries. Lucy will need to be always in clean water with no tankmates that might chase or nip at her. Not that she has to be removed just make sure Lucy isn't being bothered by the other fish in the aquarium. As a prevenative to bacterial infections, Melafix is a good general medication to use on fish with severe injuries like Lucy's and is completely safe to use in your main aquarium. But remember water changes will likely save her the most. In fact, if I were you, i'd do about 50% every to everyother day. Remember to always insure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is properly dechlorinated with a good water conditioner. I would continue these until she is well healed. Also feeding a very high quality diet rich with variety will help Lucy recover even better. Staple goldfish food rich in vitamins is best, supplemented with nearly all manner of frozen and freeze dried foods, as well as Zuchinni, green peas, romain lettuce, spinach, algae wafers and more.

This is just a guess from experience with how other fish heal injuries. I believe Lucy will heal her lip just fine. You may have to hand feed her at each feeding though. I have a feeling she might grow her lip back or it could just heal over. Lucy should be able to live a good and happy life just fine even without a fully formed mouth.
You can only try your best!

I really hope this helps and feel free to keep me updated on Lucy if you like!
Best wishes,

Dear Angela, yes, "ask a followup question" is the correct button to click! ;-)

~Lucy may know that she is injured and is best off staying away from the other goldfish until she heals. Good appetite and swimming normally are both very good signs that she still feels well! I bet she will recover nicely and be back to herself soon!

I'm very, very glad to hear i've been of some help! As always, feel free to keep me posted as nothing makes me happier then to hear how well a "once sick" fish is now good and healthy again!

And thank you, I hope you have a very good and safe weekend as well!!

Wishing only the very best to you and Lucy,