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new setup

23 16:03:20

Hi, Im new to freshwater. I have a 90 reef setup already.
I just started a 33 cube freshwater tank. Couple of questions please. Compatibility- right now I have 15 neon tetras, 7 danios, 2 yellow tail guppies. Can I add my betta fish ? I would also like to add 20 or more glo-fish (colored danios)an angelfish, pleco. These are all small fish is the amount of fish ok. Also, are there any puffers that are compatible with this list.

Thanks, Mike

Hi Mike,

If you are used to saltwater, freshwater should be a breeze.

Did you cycle your tank before you added everything?  I'm assuming since you are already into aquaria that you did but I want to be sure with so many fish already in the 33G tank.

Tetras and danios alike need to be in schools of 6+.  Without this they get stressed and open to illness and die or danios especially can be fin nippers to their tank mates when not in a shoal.  Since you have an appropriate school you have done a good job with this and they are compatible.  

Your guppies are also compatible with them but they will be a big problem for a betta and for an angel.  I wouldn't put guppies with the betta because they will mistake pretty bright guppy tails for a competing male and attack.  Angels will also eat your guppies (and your neons) as they grow larger.  If you get rid of the guppies you could have the betta but I wouldn't attempt the angel at all.  If you do remove the guppies and add the betta, make sure the tank is densely planted with plenty of hiding spots.  This will make betta secure and very peaceful towards the busy bodied danios and tetras.

Be careful about the pleco you select.  He can go with anything that you've named but some get to 2+ feet and require a 75-100+ gallon tank alone.  Get one that only grows to be 4-5 inches.  Most bushy nose plecos or rubberlips will stay small.

You cannot add another 20 fish, even glofish, the genetically altered danios.  You will be severely overstocked in a 33G.  Your current set up accounts for about 27-28 gallons.  You could remove the guppies and add your betta fish and one small pleco and you would be completely maxed out or you could keep your current set up and add one small pleco and be completely maxed out.  Or you could not add the betta or the pleco and add about 6 glofish danios and be maxed out.

No puffers!  These are brackish fish and require salt and the neons won't tolerate the salt.  Plus, as they get bigger they will eat the guppies and the neons.

Good luck, sounds like a brightly colored, active tank : ) April M.