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callamanus worm treatment

23 16:03:20

Hi, I have a 30 gal tropical fresh water tank with several types of tetras, platys, mollies not overstocked, had tank for several months and doing well, have self diagnosed from lots of reading, most fish appear to behave normally noticed tiny thread like red spike sticking out of several fish, lost 2 of my couple month old molly babies, gaping hole anus area, got panacur and treated with 1gm/4oz food fed for several days, some look like they are trying to pass worms others seem to be unaffected, have ordered some TEK-GEL Ultra cure px (has some flubenol in it), all treatments that I read about on the web seem to be unavailable in the U.S. (flubenol 15, levisole etc.) what am I supposed to do??  please help with a solution that can be purchased in U.S.

Hi Alice,

These are very, very difficult to get rid of.  They are also highly contagious.  Once you notice them sticking out of the anus they are in their high reproductive stages and will be even harder to cure.  The fish that don't seem infected probably just aren't at that advances stage yet.

You are also correct that most of the remedies are not available in the US because of their carcinogenic compounds.  Panacur is the recommended treatment, even by vets, for this.  I would continue to try the Panacur and even the TEK-GEL if you have already ordered it.

Unfortunately if none of these work you will likely need to euthanize all of the fish and disinfect the tank and start over again.  Be very, very careful where you get your fish from because it's highly likely that you did not do this and they came to you infected.  It would be hard to tell which fish it was.

Sorry that I don't have better news for you.

Good luck : ) April M.