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torn fins

23 17:02:03

i have a colombian shark about 5 inches long. i've noticed that its fins are slowly wearing out. while the tail fin has split into two and seems to be gradually wearing out, the underbody fin is reducing in length. i've also seen that the area under the mouth (extending almost to the chest) is slightly red. but all this doesn't seem to be really bothering the fish. it's eating quite well and chasing the dollars like it always used to.

Dear Sricharan,
The problem might be water quality.  What could be happening is that the shark is sensitive and if any water conditions are not perfect he will develop fin rot.  Be sure to do at least a 50% water change several times a week to see if you notice an improvement.  Sometimes, changing the water several times a week will improve fish health.  It would also help if you could buy a water test kit that tests for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.Then you could moniter your water conditions and make sure things are safe for your fish.  If possible, buy water conditioner that neutralizes ammonia, nitrites and nitrates to help keep you water safe for your fish. You could also try using Melafix which is a more natural treatment for fish illness. Follow the directions according to your tank size. It usually seems to help fish with fin problems.
Hope this Helps!