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Tropical eco-system?

25 9:11:27

Hello, im fed up with short/long term fixes/treatments! i want an self-sustaining eco-system for my tropical aqaurium? iv got an 70gal tank, 2xfluval304, no undergravel filter, plastic plants, gravel. of course my wanting to walk/swim down this avenue is a direct result of not having installed an undergravel filter 6months ago and now find myself having to vacume the substrate and do water changes on a periodic basis primarily to keep not only my fish alive but more my substarte dweller hes a fire eel named slick. thankyou in advance.

Hi Allen,
Thank you for your letter. Before you get completely fed up, check out my holistic aquarium care page. My system relies on restricted diet to prevent water pollution and using "Cycle," friendly bacteria, to condition the water.
Please read and print out the instructions. Write back if you want to discuss further.