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Swimming problem

23 16:40:50

 I have owned a "red devil" cichlid for about 8 years. he has been relatively healthy and happy up until about a few weeks ago when I noticed that he had something that looked like a cottony growth all around his body, and he was also having a difficult time breathing. I assumed it was a fungus and purchased a anti-fungal tablet to place in the water with him ( by Jungle Labs: Tank Buddies) It seemed to clear up nicely. Yesterday however, I noticed him swimming vertically, and that he was not able to maintain a horizontal position in the water. He is not interested in food. I have had some issues with keeping the water from clouding, and I am sure that is due to the small tank size; he is about a foot long, and I have him in a 30 gallon high. I have read some things online about a swim bladder disease. His abdomen does not seem bloated, but around his gills and belly are reddened,inflamed looking. He is not having any difficulty breathing,and doesn't visibly seem stressed, other than his inability to swim horizontally. Please Help!!!!!!


Sometimes medication can be hard on a fish. Try doing a 25% water change and a gravel cleaning (to help with the cloudy water) and try giving him some cucumber, or zucchini, or orange. Swim Bladder could be something is terribly wrong with your fish....or that he is constipated and a change in diet would help (thus adding the zucchini).