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Help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!Aquarium goof up

25 9:19:12

I came home this evening after a weekend trip and I found out that my son did a complete aquarium change on my ten gallon tank on thursday. New Filter, sponge in the filter was cleaned with tap water. Gravel, new decorations, the whole nine yards. He also added a bacteria booster, for what reason i do not know as well as this morning he put an ammonia tablet in hoping that would help clear the water up. What can I do? I have a Betta with fin rot and looks like some fungus on the mouth as well he is starting Itch. My ammonia level is 0, ph level 7.6, nitratec5.0 and nitrite.25.I also have 5 zebra danios in the tank with him. I am afraid I am going to lose them. Please help me. I am beside myself here and near tears.

Hi Theresa!

~I completely understand being near tears when you are afraid you may lose your beloved pet fish. I often get depressed when I lose one of my pet fish. To me it's no different than having a sick dog or cat or bunny...I think you feel the same way too. ;-)

~First off--can you ever forgive your son?!? :-):-):-) Perhaps he thought it was a good idea to get that aquarium as clean as possible. He did go a bit too far...But anyway, this could be a serious problem and it's a heck of a problem actually. But I will try to help all I can to straighten things out again....
*Okay, so your ammonia level is 0? That's good...Perhaps the bacteria booster and the ammonia tablet helped keep the ammonia levels down to zero. I can't say for sure but it might be likely that you will have to cycle your aquarium all over again, unfortunately. Since you already have about 6 fish in it already you must moniter the ammonia levels every day and make water changes of like 40-50% if there is any trace of ammonia. You might want to keep adding some Bacteria booster to help further keep the ammonia levels at zero.
*Now about your Betta with fin rot~
It's going to be tricky to treat all three diseases at once. Fin rot is caused by dirty water that hasn't been changed in a good while, it's strange that your betta now has fin rot since having a complete water change! Perhaps before his water was quite dirty and caused him to get the bacterial infection. But sometimes when bettas are greatly stressed they can catch this illness. And it sometimes it may still strike dispIte the best maintenance routine. This illness must be treated as soon as possible. Some of the recommended medicines are; Tetracycline,Maracyn and Maracyn-two combined together works well. Follow the directions of course and be sure to keep his water very clean, warm temperature of 76-80F would really help if he isn't already warm.
The fungus on his mouth should be treated with Maroxy made by Mardel labs...All the meds I listed before are all made by mardel labs actually. If he is starting to be attacked with Ick parasites, a treatment should be added right away to insure to catch the illness at the perfect time, when the parasites are free swimming, in order to destroy them. The medication made by Mardel- Maracide or Coppersafe is effective in controlling the parasites. Though I am not for certain this combination of medications can be used concurrently safely, many of the meds made by mardel can be used together. This truly is a difficult question to answer. It's so tricky to know exactly what medicine to tell you to use since your betta may have three illnesses at once. :-( To be honest, I am not sure how you should go about it exactly, I have never delt with many illnesses at once. But I can say to try to read on the label of all the medications and see any warnings they may have about combining. Mardel is a very effective safe medication but diseases are always very hard on fish.

~*Remember there is always hope. I have many fish quite near  years ago, sick with a severe case of Ick, then fungus, then velvet disease--one after the other. But now they are alive and healthy to this day.

*~The best thing you can do is try to find the medications Maroxy, Maracide or coppersafe, and Maracyn-two, and check for any warnings of not combining any one med with another as I am not entirely sure if these meds can be combined safely. Use these according to their instructions of course. And try to moniter the water quality the best you can. Raising the temperature to 80F, will be helpful as well in treating the illnesses.

~I hope I gave you the answer you were hoping for. This is so difficult, for you and me, I am really truly wishing you and your pet fish only the very best! Much Sympathy for your betta...I hope he pulls through all this, bettas can be pretty tough survivers sometimes. If you misunderstood anything, or have anymore questions on anything, please email me again! I am more than happy to help you out all I can Theresa!

Wishing you the best again!
Take care and Happy fishkeeping!