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beta film

23 16:38:55

I have had my beta for about a year.  Since moving back to school, his tank has developed a thin layer of transparent substance that can be pulled aside.  It is not the bubble nest, as he has always made, but something different.  Everything else being the same, could the different water be causing this?

Hi Ami;

It's possible something in the tap water there is causing it. Obviously it isn't harmful or you couldn't drink it. It just causes a film. Fish food has tiny traces of oil in it too. Sometimes different brands or even a different batch of the same brand of food has more oil in it than others. You could try using bottled spring water next time and see if it helps. Just don't use distilled water or something called "RO" (Reverse Osmosis) water. They don't have minerals and trace elements in them that your fish need.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins