Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > i think my pleco has ich

i think my pleco has ich

23 17:03:25

I am pretty sure that my pleco has ich. He has many small white things that sort of protrude from his body,this happened in a matter of hours. I treated the tank with some medicine that I got from the pet store. I do not think it has been long for it to work. I would like to know my best plan action, if this do not work.  

Hi Gabrielle,
Ich usually gives a salted appearance on the fish. It produces rapidly over 24 hours. Ich is caused by poor water quality so check your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I wouldent add any medicine as this stresses fish out even more. Meanwhile, daily water changes of 30% would help.
