Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > plecostamus.


23 15:50:23

We have a tank with 2 large goldfish and have high nitrites we were told to turn the heater off can the plecostamus live in cold water?

Hi Cathy,
Plecos can actually do okay in cooler water. But I would keep the heater turned on due to the colder winter months approaching, but maintain a temp of about 72 to 74F. Goldfish can thrive well in this temp and so can the plecostomas.

For the high nitrites, sounds like your aquarium's biofilter has not established yet. I bet your aquarium needs more time to establish or 'cycle' and the best thing to do is 30-50% water changes to reduce the nitrite level and relieve some stress on the fish. Until your aquarium cycles, this is the best thing to do to help your fish through since nitrites are stressful.

I hope this helps! Have a good weekend!