Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Sideways


23 15:22:55

Hi, my Angel Fish has been floating on side uncontrollably. I need help imidetly! Is there anything i can do?

Hi Matt,
Sounds like it could be a swim bladder issue. The swim bladder is a special organ most fish have that controls their bouyancy and equilibrium. The bladder can be affected by things such as poor water quality (high ammonia or nitrites), infections, over feeding, constipation and injury to the bladder from being handled/netted.

It's possible your angelfish may have some kind of brain trauma. Ive witnessed many fish who are nervous and jumpy (like angels often are) bash their poor heads into decorations or the walls of the tank when something spooks them like loud noises, someone walking by the tank while the tank is dark and fish are resting at night or early morning.
Unfortunately there is not a lot you can do in this case besides try to keep the fish as calm as possible. I do know fish can recover from this on their own. But theres no guarantee.

If you believe it's a swim bladder issue. First make sure his/her water is as clean as possible. Do a 30% water change at least and determine if your fish may be dealing with a swim bladder disorder. These usually are not fatal. Some fish recover on their own while others may have the condition from factors like constipation or an infection. Relieving digestive problems can be accomplished by feeding soft green peas to your fish. That is if the angel will eat them. Infections of course are more serious, harder to diagnose and can be very difficult to treat.

Let me know how your fish is doing,
I hope this helps!