Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > white buldging growth on back

white buldging growth on back

25 9:06:12

It's a beta

Followup To

Question -
This started with a little white spot in May and has now grown to a buldging tumor looking mass behind his head.  It looks like it is spilling out of his body.  His appetite was good until today and it never seemed to bother him.  He is three years old.

Answer -
Hi Connie,
Before I delve into anything, I have one question...What kind of animal is he?
You probably forgot to say it or this website cut you off...It cuts a bunch of my stuff off all the time.
I'll get back to you as soon as I know what we are dealing with.
What ever it is, it sounds serious...
I'll get back to you asap when you give me the info.

Hi Connie,
I really am not sure what it is. It could be some type of cancer or tumor. I had a beta and I had similar issues, His chest kept getting bigger (his was on the inside, not the outside) and you could see sort of lump shapes on each side of him. I'm pretty sure he had cancer, one day he just died. Mine never lost his appetite, so I don't think he noticed.
Yours could have something else, but what I don't really know. Maybe you should check the fish medicine bottles at the pet store to see if any bottles say anything about growths. I haven't seen any meds for it yet, there probably isn't really anything you could do.

It would be nice if you could buy little euthanization shots or something for when they get in really bad shape, you feel bad letting them suffer when you have a fish that is really sick.  But I do understand why they can't sell it.

Try checking the store, sadly there probably isn't really anything you can do. If you wanted to take it to the vet you could but they will most likely tell you there is nothing you can do, I'm pretty sure they won't be able to do surgery or anything, and it would cost a fortune.

good luck with the little guy,
best wishes, chelsey