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betta deaths and disease

23 16:25:06

i have a sick betta.  he's a crown tail from petco.  after three days he has developed a fluffy fungal like growth on much of his body.  two before have died from a similar condition.  should i add salt? should i attempt to rub the growths off?  should i put him in warmer water?  should i put him out of his misery?  thanks so much for your reply.

Hi Dewey:

Sorry to hear that your betta is sick.  It sound like your fish has fungus.  You should go directly to one of the local aquarium stores and ask them for a fungal treatment solution.  You want to make sure when you talk to them that you tell them its for a betta because the dosage is based on the amount of water in the tank and bettas often times have a tiny tank as compared to a goldfish or guppy which may have five or ten gallon tank.  You can find fungal treatments at many  local stores such as petsmart but I would recommend that you visit an aquarium first.  You will probably get better quality medicine because their selection will be large (most likely.)  You may also be able to take in a sample of water for them to test for you.  

You will want to do a partial water change on your betta before you add the medicine and please make sure you clean your betta's tank first.  Please keep me informed with what you give your fish and how the results turn out.  I wish you the best of luck with your fish.  Dave