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pregnant mollie tropical fish

23 15:18:03

QUESTION: What is the most common sing to look for when a Mollies is about to deliver?

ANSWER: She will move away from the other fish. Could also be a bit protective.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: For +-how long does a Mollies fish carry her babies?
After the babies are born in a holding tank, how long
do i keep them in the holding tank before I can release them into the big tank, in the big tank I've got platies, sword tail female, glo light, garamie, albino shark and zebra fish.
Talking about that, the zebra and shark fish are also pregnant,My white platy has been very fat and round for about a month now, could she also be pregnant?
Thank you so much for all your answers.
I really do appreciate it.
Kind Regards.

Mollies are pregnant for about 60 days.
Keep them in the breeding net until they big enough to not fit in the mouth of your largest fish.
The zebra, i am assuming are zebra danios and if that is what they are, they do not get pregnant. they are egg layers.
If you have males and females of the same fish in your tank, then there is a good chance they are pregnant of getting ready to lay eggs.