Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > What can i mix with a pictus catfish

What can i mix with a pictus catfish

23 16:58:30

Ok i had gotten a small 5 gallon tank don't want to many fish.. I had started it with 2 tiger barbs, 1 albino tiger barb, a silver dollar, and a pictus catfish. Now all i have is the pictus catfish because 1 of my tiger barbs killed all the others and i gave that fish away and kept the pictus. What fish are compatible with this fish?  


I would recommend something small and peaceful such as a small school of danios or tetras. You should not add more then four danios/tetras due to the size of your tank. With a small tank it is better to have a type of schooling fish so that they do not compete aggresively for territory.

I hope this helps.
