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1 yr old mollies

23 16:17:36

about a year ago,  I choose to breed a dalmation and a black molly,  and was successful.  I ended up with a few dozen fry.  They're about 1 year now and I keep half of them in my fry tank which is a heavly plastic planted tank, with a filter, gravel,and hiding decoration.  It's a 10 gallon tank.  I want to know why my 1 year old mollies are only about 1 inch in length still and why they are NOT breeding.
  I ALSO have 1 male and 2 female guppies in the tank.  I REALLY want to breed the male with one of the females.  How do I get the male to successfully breed with my female?


They should be reaching adult size soon. If they don't it is because you are keeping too many in one tank, or your water quality is poor.

There is really nothing special to breed them, give them water and they will breed. You can speed it up by keeping your water clean and feed frozen foods occasionally.
