Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > treated ick twice now have one baby in tank

treated ick twice now have one baby in tank

25 9:08:17

Thank you for your advice on ick, I did however get ick again on the same fish.  So I treated again for three days, did a 25% water change and treated the new water as usual with Aqua plus and added Cycle as well.  In the mean time I noticed a baby fish in the tank so I have put it in a jar in the tank and am feeding it 2-3 times a day with fine ground food.  My questions are as follows:

I am changing the regular tank water every week 10% adding a drop of Aqua plus each time and how much cycle should I add each change? (10 gallon tank)

How often should I change the jar water for the baby?  And is it ok to keep it in the jar or do I nned to buy special stuff to keep it in?  (it is about .5-1 cm in size)

And as far as the ick problem with this one fish(black molly) it has come back for the second time and I have treated again the same as before what should I do if it comes back again?

I did remove the filter during treatment and was told to use the same one after the treatment is this ok?  

Sorry if these questions are all over the board I am busy with four kids and trying to figure out these fish issues at he same time!  Thanks, Maria.


I will answer all your questions in order so its easy to follow:

1) You should add a capful of Cycle each water change. This is about 5 mL I believe.

2) If your baby fish came from a heated tank, he will need to live in a heated tank to survive. Also, proper filtration is helpful as baby fish are quite sensitive to water conditions. I recommend getting something to put in your tank that he can live in. This may be a floating baby fish net, or some other contraption. These can be found at your pet store.

3) If your ick comes back again, as irritating as this sounds, treat the fish all over again. Unfortuntely, very little can be done to prevent the reaccurance of ick. However, I would recommend monitoring your water's temperature closely, as flucuating temperature can cause ick to come back again. Try keeping your temperature stable at around 78 F.

4) Yes, it is ok to use the same filter media before and after treatment. However, your charcoal should be changed every month and your sponge every 2 months so if it is past its due date you should probably get some new stuff. Make sure you rinse your filter media, old or new, in a bucket of aquarium water before putting it back in to help clean it out and to help establish colonies of beneficial bacteria.

I hope this helps!

Best of luck, with your fish and your kids! ;)
