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Removing Algae

23 15:58:33

Hi, I'm just wondering, how do I get rid of the soft green algae that grows on my tank's glass? It's very unsightly. I have a 10 gallon tank.


Hi Aidan,
You can remove the soft green algae in many ways:

1) You can buy a fish that naturally eats algae, such as the Bristlenose Plecostomus or Otocinclus Catfish. (Don't get a common Pleco, these are too big for your tank, they grow up to 24".)

2) Buy a magnetic algae scrubber at your local fish store, they have a cleaning pad and a magnet. The magnet goes on the outside of the glass, and the cleaning pad on the inside. They will stick together through the glass, and all you have to do is move the scrubber up and down on the outside - you won't get your hands wet!

3) Algae is caused by either: Direct sunlight or excessive light, or an excess of nutrients. Remove the aquarium from direct sunlight, and perform partial water changes, about 20% a week, to dilute nitrate concentrations.

Good Luck!