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Oranda Vs Lionhead

23 16:34:22

I have an Oranda in a 10gal tank...purchased a 29g tank...bought a lionhead thinking it was the same size as the Oranda to put into the 29g together....once toget turned out lionhead was bigger. The lionhead immediate became fixated on the Oranda.."he" never attacked or nipped at "her"  but would not leave her alone.He'd get her in a corner then back away..he'd follow her everywhere..she was terrified. It was textbook stalking.  I finally took the Oranda out..I had visions of fish parts floating everywhere. The shop was clueless...I bought another lionhead the same size and their getting along swimmingly. Was it the size difference, the kind of fish,or I'm too paradoid

Hi Sherri,
Sorry to hear they won't get along.

It sounds like it could have just been the Lionhead was more dominant or it could have been his size. There's not much you can do when fish behave this way and sometimes we can never know why they do this.

You did good by moving the Oranda out. Its too bad they couldn't have gotten along.

Best wishes,