Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > My sordtail is pregnant!

My sordtail is pregnant!

23 16:22:04

I have a few questions.
How do I know when to put my swordtail into the babynet?
How do I know if she even is pregnant?
Won't the babies get crowded in the net?
Plz answer soon :)

Hi Simone:  put her in the baby net when her gravid spot is large and pointed... or if she suddenly becomes inactive and is lurking in one spot.  To determine if she is pregnant you watch her gravid spot and see if it is changing with her size.  The babies should fall through the net and be safe from the mother.... If there are other fish in the tank.. then you will need to get a second tank as the other fish will eat the babies... dave