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My golden apple snails

23 16:31:15

I have two large golden apple snails they are very active in mating, I have had 8 egg nets within a month period.
The baby's have taken over, i guess you would say. but that's okay. I have about... i would guess between 150-200+ the two parents all in a 10 gallon tank i do my routine changes in water and filter.
I'm currently selling them when they are ready to transport.

My Question to you is when cleaning my tank how do i clean the bottom without sucking up the babys? I have only been changing 25% of the water, and i also have live plants and about 20 ghost shrimp. So my tank stinks any suggestions?

Hi Niki
That's cool you found a place to buy them.  And helps so you don't get overrun with them :)

I have no idea how you could clean the bottom without sucking them up.  I have a tank with some ramshorn snails, and I have the same problem but I use a python cleaner so they'll end up sucked into the sink if I don't catch it in time.  I'm guessing with your sized tank you're just using a manual gravel vacuum, I've found if you just kind of shake it the snails will fall back out.  But if they're that small, may not work.  You could try sifting through the bottom with a net to get all the waste.  Then you'd have to sort through to get the babies out.  Or just continue to use the gravel vacuum, and pick the babies out of the bucket of water....Sorry not much help, that's the only thing I can think of to do.  Or if possible, transfer the babies over to another tank with a bare bottom to make it easier to scoop out any waste at the bottom.

Good luck!
