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Blood Parrots

23 15:40:46

Hi Richard

I have a large 90 gallon tank with just an Oscar and a Pleco. I wanted to add a couple of Blood Parrots but when I researched them online there is much controversy regarding keeping them. Many people say they are hybrids and should not be purchased, and some have called for a boycott of keeping and selling them. I read that because their mouth is deformed that they cannot eat and suffer from malnutrition and die. Others say they have kept them and are the best pet fish they've ever had. What are your thoughts on Blood Parrots and would they be compatible with an Oscar and Pleco? Any information you can give me would be appreciated.


Hi Jeremy

I have had the same pair of Blood Parrots for many years and I just bought 2 more baby Blood Parrots about a month ago. So, I guess I am among the ones that would say they are among the best pet fish I've ever had. Although my Oscars are still number one in my aquatic life.

Like my Oscars and other Cichlids, my Blood Parrots meet me in the morning and afternoon when I feed them and come up to the edge of the tank. They also follow me from one side of the tank to the other when I walk by.

Blood Parrots are indeed a man-made hybrid created between a Gold Severum and a Red Devil. But whether you agree with their conception or not, it isn't fair to the fish to boycott them or take them off of the market. They're here, they aren't going anywhere, and they deserve a good home as much as any other fish on the market does.

As far as deformities go, they are visibly a little different than the average fish. This is mostly noticeable in their face and mouth. However, mine have no trouble eating. Even the two small ones I just bought eat as much as other fish in the tank. Other than a bacterial infection one of my older ones had a couple of years ago, they have had no health issues whatsoever.

I think you should go ahead and get a couple of Blood Parrots. As long as they are similar in size to the Oscar, they should be fine together. They won't bother the Pleco either.

My Blood Parrots, even the two small ones I just bought which are a little larger than a half dollar, are in a large tank with an Oscar, Firemouth, Convict, Gold Gourami, Redtail Shark, two Kribensis and a Pleco. An usual mix, but it works. Outside of an occasional chase every now and then, it is a relatively peaceful tank.

Hope this helps and I hope you enjoy your Blood Parrots if you decide to get them. Good luck!
