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Angelfish fry

23 15:26:12

Hello. I wanted to say thanks for helping me with my questions. The Angelfish fry eventually began to swim and joined the rest of the fry, so all was okay there. There is something else going on though that I was wondering about. A few of the Angelfish fry stay in one place at all times. They like to stay in the front, right corner of the aquarium. They are swimming and they are eating, and I am feeding them newly hatched, live brine shrimp. Their bellies are orange and they are growing, but they don't seem to want to swim around the aquarium. They just like to stay there in that one corner of the tank. Is this normal?

Thanks again.

Is that where the heater or filter is? Sometimes they like to be closer to the warmth. If the heater is there it might not be warm enough for them. They are still kinda young. I have a few Betta fry that hang out at the sponge filter. They never leave it unless its feeding time. As long as they are eating and growing they should be ok.