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arghhh, tank problems

23 15:59:48

First, my partner and I have both had very successful tanks in our past"s", and I think that is why this is sooo frustrating.  We have a 55 gallon tank that we can't seem to keep fish alive in. And believe me we have tried what we feel like is everything, but there has to be something more. When we first set it up, we let it sit for days, after filling. It was a happy tank and fish lived for quite some time, when green algae would start to appear on the glass, partial water change was done and conditioner added. We live in a very small house so buckets of water standing around to use in a bit of a problem (but if it would solve them I would jump over the buckets) One be one the fish started to die, not right away but gradually. Went to the pet store, we have on that is just fish, and we were told that we needed to increase the bacteria in the tank, ok we bought it and put it in. Within a week the water was pea green, and we followed the directions perfectly. Two fish die...ok, I'm frustrated, any suggestions, the tank is empty now the remaining goldfish are in small hospital tanks. Thank you for any help, suggestions that you may have. Sincerely, Michelle

Hi Michelle

Well first, when adding new water to the tank, you should put the water conditioner in first, not after. Adding chlorinated water to a tank with fish in it will kill them. You don't have to keep buckets of water standing in your house. Add water to the bucket, then put in the conditioner like StressCoat or AquaSafe, mix it well and it is ready to add to the tank. Make sure the new water is the same temp by touch as the tank water.

Next, 25% water changes need to be done weekly in a fish tank, not when you start to see green algae on the glass. If proper tank maintenance is done, you would likely never see algae on the glass. I wipe the inside panels of all my aquariums with an algae scrubber every week when I do water changes.

You didn't give me information on how old your tank is, or how old it was when fish started to die. But it sounds like you didn't let it complete the cycle process. And regardless of what some twit at the fish store told you, bacteria additives are only for fishless cycling. The pea green water is an algae bloom, so make sure your tank is not in direct sunlight and the tank lights are not on for more than 10-12 hours a day. I have a couple of aquariums in my sunroom and I use UV Sterilizers in them to keep the algae out.

What I would do in your case is simply start over. 100% water change and replace the carbon cartridge in your filter. Vacuum the gravel thoroughly when siphoning out the water. Fill the tank back up with water and conditioner and let it sit for 24-48 hours then add 1 small fish per 10 gallons of water. When the bubbles inside the tank disappear, it is ready to add fish to it. Add 1-2 small fish per 10 gallons of water. Zebra Danios are good cycling fish for community tanks.

Your tank should cycle within 4-6 weeks then you could add more fish a few at a time. You may want to remove the Danios if you plan to keep large fish or goldfish in your tank. Goldfish are cold water fish.

Hope this helps get you back on the right path, good luck!
