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Fish compatibility/startup

25 9:06:22

Thanks in advance for answering the question.  I'm new here, and was impressed by the breadth of you all's knowledge, and I can certainly use some of it.  I just started a 30 gallon aquarium, and currently have 2 angels, a honey gourami and 2 comets.  I am looking to add 3-4 more danio, 1-2 more angels, and 2-3 more gourami.  My first question is, are these fish compatible enough?  In the short time since Ive had the aquarium, Ive noticed that the comets clearly dominate the tank, not so much that they bother the other fish, but they hog the food.  I thought I also read that comets should not be kept in small tanks like a 30 gallon...Secondly, what kind of food should I use to mix it up?  I currently have tetra marine flakes, and was thinking about getting brine shrimp or pellets.  Thanks so much for your help and I look forward to your answer!

Dear Jordan,
Comet goldfish are really best suited to aquariums of 55gallons or larger and really are best suited to a well-cared for pond. I have personally seen comets grow to just about 1 foot and should any comet grow that large, even a 55gal is far too small. These goldfish need room and definately deserve it. In my experience ponds are the best home for comets and common goldfish. Comets are great eager eaters in aquariums they will certainly hog all the food as you have found out. Comet goldfish also create a very high bioload (pollution) in the aquarium more so than other fish of their size. And extra water changes should be in order. Especially since this is a newly setup aquarium. It may not have a sufficient enough colony of the beneficial bacteria present to neutralize ammonia produced by the fish which can be so dangerous to them.
Your comets may do Ok in your aquarium for a while, but things will eventually get too crowded for them and all the fish to really thrive. If you can get them into a larger designated aquarium or pond that would be wonderful. If you don't want to continue keeping them, You may also try giving them to a locally owned petshop.

~The extra fish you mentioned-  the Danios, angels, and gourami should work out fine. Danios of all species prefer to be in a group of at least 6-7 or more and depending upon the species some gouramis do better in male/female ratios but it depends upon the species of course. Overall you should be fine there but with the Comet goldfish it would be quite overstocked before too long. :(

It sounds like you are feeding marine flakes? This certainly wouldn't be the best thing if the flakes you are feeding are originally meant for saltwater species. But if there is a mix-up here, feel free to correct me. ;-)
OMEGA ONE brand tropical fish flakes is a very good flake for all tropical fish. But like with any fish supplementing their diet with plenty of variety such as most all manner of frozen and freeze dried foods as well as occasional algae wafers or algae-based flake foods do well for many fish. Knowing the specific requirements of the individual species you keep is most important. Angelfish are primarily omnivorous, taking in both meaty and vegetables foods and do well on plenty of variety in their diet. Comet goldfish are omnivorous but it's very important for them to plenty of vegetable foods in their diet.

I really hope this helps!

Best of luck and feel free to write with anymore concerns!

Best wishes,