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Centerpiece fish, Bottom Feeders

25 9:06:21


I was writting because I am new at fish keeping. So far I have been doing ok with my fish. Since I am new I have selected two small schools of hardy fish. I started off with 5 zebra Danios (for about a mysteriously disapeared before I added any more fish, but I still have 4)...they ever recently started breeding (but since I am new at this, it is too hard for me just now).

A month later, I added a school of 5 blackskirt tetras. The danios were afraid of them because of their size and quick darts across my tank. But, this morning they were swimming past eachother like nothing :)

Anyway, I just got the school of Black skirt tetras a couple of days ago. I am not ready to add new fish yet but I wanted to get a couple of colorful fish that will stand out from my gray, stripped fish (who look pretty amazing in my 30 gallon tank).

So I just wanted to see if you could recomend any fish that are colorful, not bigger than 3 inches, and will get along with both my danios and black skirt tetras. I want it to be a good one since this is the last school I will buy for a while.

I also want to get a pair of bottom feeders that will not get too big.

Any suggestions?

Just doing my!


Mollies, or fancy tailed guppies may be a good choice.  Fancy tails will breed though, so if you are not wanting to deal with that, you should not get them.  You could also get neons, I love my neons, they are hardy fish, and colorful.
 I don't know of any bottom feeders to suggest, the pecostaumus gets huge, and are gross if you ask me, all the others that I know of I have never been able to keep alive, since I have had pretty good luck with fish, if I can not keep them alive I don't suggest them.
You might go to your petstore and ask them what they have that they would suggest.
Good luck!