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lost alot

23 16:49:13

i have 73 us gallons tank.....
6 oscars(3" each),3 common pleco(5-6"),2 elctric yelow cichlid,1 green terror,2 pirahna(2"),2 red parrots(small),
and 2 other small cichlid
i dont think that its enogh for them but they seem good
and please tell me what what size of tank must be good for them?what i can feed the cichlid to grow fast ??

I know this seems expensive but you should buy a 120gal. or an 150 gallon and you could fit like seven more fish!Ok you cant control how your fish grows but if you want them to grow fast buy fish flakes any kind that says "made with real fish food".If you have any other questions Email me back.