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a wierd breeding experience

23 15:18:26

About 4 months ago I started a small aqarium of 4 different types of Mollies
for my granddaughter. Within a month to a month an a half I lost all except one.
After finally getting my aqarium stabalized, which was about 3 weeks after losing
all, except the one molly  I was shocked to find 4 fry in my tank. She had been alone
in the tank for well over a month  so I thought she couldn't have been pregnant that long.
The fry are now a month old and to my great surprise, 3 nights ago she gave birth to
another 7 fry. That would mean she has been pregnant with thos last batch of frys for well over
2 months and on top of that she looks like she is still pregnant. Is this normal?

Everything is quite normal. Molly fish are able to hang on to sperm for up to 6 months. Don't be surprised if she gives birth again. Make sure there are lots of hiding places for the fry so that mom does not eat them. Have fun with the new fish.