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Tetra Tail Injury

23 16:55:26

My turtle bit the tail off of one of my Black Phantom Tetras, it seems happy
enough and still eats, ut I wondered if it was in any pain or if it may die? What
should I do? It has no tail let whatsoever...!

firstly, I must stress how much I discourage keeping fish with turtles, as turtles of any kind can easily kill fish.
I would treat it with Melafix to heal the wound, but the tail may not grow back. It is good that he is eating but he is still probably in a lot of pain.
Just do 30 percent water changes twice a week, treat with Melafix and give him a good varied diet of flake food, bloodworms, brineshrimp and daphnia as well as peas and cucumber.
It depends if any bones were damaged as to whether he lives. You will just have to wait and see.
Best wishes,